On this page, you will find information about research undertaken to test the reliability and validity of the MR-CAT. You will also learn about our plans for further research and evaluation, to be undertaken in partnership with higher education institutions and employers. Last but not least, here you will find opportunities to get involved in the further evaluation of the MR-CAT.
Demonstrating a person-centred approach in a consultation is a key component of delivering high-quality healthcare. To support the development of such an approach requires training underpinned by valid assessment tools. Given the lack of a suitable pharmacy-specific tool, a new global consultation skills assessment tool - the medicines-related consultation assessment tool (MR-CAT) - was designed and tested.
After developing and piloting the MR-CAT, CPPE embarked on a research project with the University of Manchester to test its reliability and validity using psychometric methods (a form of statistical analysis). The study was published in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.
The study demonstrated that the MR-CAT is a valid and reliable tool for assessing person-centred pharmacy professionals' consultations. Moreover , its unique design allows for use in both formative and summative assessment.
The key findings of the study were:
The MR-CAT can effectively discriminate between levels of practice ('below expectations', 'competent' and 'excellent')
The highest agreement in assessor ratings was at the 'below expectations' level of practice. This is important for a summative assessment (assessment of learning) tool, because it suggests greatest consensus over what determines a 'fail'.
The MR-CAT has the potential to facilitate learning in a practice setting because its global structure and descriptors support learners and assessors to differentiate between levels of practice and conceptualise good consultation skills and behaviours. This strengthens the MR-CAT's position as a formative assessment tool by enabling constructive feedback and reflection on practice.
Publications and conference presentations
Middleton H, Grimes L, Willis SC, Steinke D, Shaw, M. Assessing the quality of person-centred consultations using a new validated global assessment tool: The medicines related-consultation assessment tool (MR-CAT). The Lifelong Learning in Pharmacy Conference; 3 July 2023. Denver, USA.
Middleton H, Grimes L, Willis SC, Steinke D, Shaw M. Assessing the quality of person-centred consultations using a new validated global assessment tool: The medicines related-consultation assessment tool (MR-CAT). The Academy of Medical Educators and the International Network for Health Workforce Education Joint Conference; 29 June 2023. Cardiff, UK.
Middleton, H. Using the medicines related-consultation assessment tool (MR-CAT) to conceptualise what good consultation skills and behaviours look like. The Clinical Pharmacy Congress North Conference; 3 November 2023. Manchester, UK.
Middleton, H. Using the medicines related-consultation assessment tool (MR-CAT) to conceptualise what good consultation skills and behaviours look like. The Clinical Pharmacy Congress Conference; 10 May 2024. London, UK.
Middleton H, Grimes L, Willis SC, et al. Reliability and validity testing of the medicines related - consultation assessment tool for assessing pharmacists’ consultations. Int J Clin Pharm 45, 201–209 (2023). DOI:
Get involved in further research and evaluation
Our aim is for the MR-CAT to become the chosen consultation skills assessment tool for undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy education in the UK. We are currently working with several universities to evaluate the use of the MR-CAT in undergraduate teaching and assessment and for supervised learning events during placements.
If you are interested in using the MR-CAT in your teaching facility, higher education institute (HEI) or employing organisation, then please get in touch with us via We welcome the opportunity to work with a range of stakeholders to enable further use of the MR-CAT, and to collaborate on ongoing research and evaluation of the tool - all to support the development of professional practice.