What's it about?

This Consultation skills for pharmacy practice website supports you through a learning pathway, as you develop and improve your patient consultation skills. The website forms part of a national training and development programme, created in response to the Modernising Pharmacy Careers (MPC) review of post-registration professional development, which recognised that pharmacy professionals would need to work more closely with patients in order to optimise medicines use and deliver public health messages.

This website provides you with easy access to a range of resources, including guidance, a set of practice standards, learning options, assessment tools and signposting for additional support. There is also a section offering advice to employers and trainers.

The six questions below outline the six steps of your consultation skills learning pathway:

  1. Why are consultation skills important for all pharmacy professionals?
    • This step explains why this consultation skills programme has been developed and its importance to you as a pharmacy professional.
  2. How do I know what standard is expected of me?
    • We set this out in the new practice standards for consultation skills.
  3. How do I know how effective my consultation skills are now?
    • You will work through a process of self-assessment.
  4. How do I improve my performance?
    • At this step, you will look at the recommended options in the learning pathway.
  5. How can I check my learning and development?
    • You can assess your knowledge and skills using the e-assessment.
  6. How do I continue to develop my performance?
    • You can revisit self-assessment, as well as invite peer review, patient and professional feedback.